Kewei Lian


Hi! I am Kewei Lian (连可为). I am currently a senior undergraduate student at Peking University, school of EECS. I am now in the team of CraftJavis, advised by Prof. Yitao Liang.

My research interests lie in the field of building generally capable agents in open-world environments, such as Minecraft.I also have broad interests in Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a particular focus on generative models such as transformers and diffusion models.

Prior to that, I worked with Prof Di He on the topic of NLP.

selected publications

  1. ROCKET-1: Mastering Open-World Interaction with Visual-Temporal Context Prompting
    Shaofei Cai, Zihao Wang, Kewei Lian, and 4 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv: 2410.17856, 2024
  2. Optimizing Latent Goal by Learning from Trajectory Preference
    Guangyu Zhao, Kewei Lian, Haowei Lin, and 5 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv: 2412.02125, 2024